Safe and Secure Server Room Specialists

Dedicating a single room for server organization gives you a safe and secure environment for your critical information systems. In addition, centralizing your equipment to one location allows you to efficiently monitor your IT department and be able to receive notifications should the environmental conditions in your server room change.

Server rooms are the heart of every company. DSB offers the optimal solution for Data Centre Monitoring. Keeping your servers in an optimal environment is essential. Having been in the computer facilities industry since 1985, we offer Server Room Environment Monitoring and Control Facility that will monitor your server room 24/7.

Server rooms represent the data hub of any business and therefore fire detection and suppression systems, in this space, should be a top priority. Server rooms are under enormous pressure to maintain operations without interruption. In the event of a catastrophic server room fire, a company may lose equipment, valuable company data, and possibly even human life.

Data Solution Botswana is one of the leading suppliers of high-quality Raised Access Flooring in Botswana. Our cumulative installation experience, project management expertise, infrastructure with sufficient resources, and 24-hour backup service has ensured that new and existing customers continually turn to us for installations of any size and complexity of access flooring needs.

Data Solution Botswana Server Room Installations Specialists offer great solutions to Server Room Air Conditioning. Our high quality and efficient system can handle any conditions, longevity and hot/cold isle design is the key to our installations and long-term maintenance strategy.